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Senior Living Health And Wellness

Living Well is a Journey

Living well is about investing energy in yourself and making decisions that support your holistic health and well-being. It’s also about surrounding yourself with supportive people. Discover why The Stayton at Museum Way is the right place to continue living your best and brightest life.

Stayton Parallax

Make a conscious effort to surround yourself with positive, nourishing, and uplifting people—people who believe in you, encourage you to go after your dreams, and applaud your victories.

- Jack Canfield, Author

Senior Living Wellness

Invest in Living Well

Holistic wellness focuses on balancing one’s physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. At The Stayton, you can embark on a personal wellness journey that is tailored to your needs.

Discover Your Path to Wellness

Senior Living Activities

Hone Your Hobbies & Interests

The Stayton offers countless ways to pursue your passions, participate in new experiences, and expand your knowledge. Community living makes all this and so much more possible.

Explore On-Site Activities

Elder woman smiling and proudly showing her painting.
Carol Adcock

I think one of the biggest pleasures I’ve had is getting to know so many people … I’ve met some really wonderful people that have become dear friends.

- Carol Adcock, The Stayton Resident

Senior Living Dining

Get Ready to Wine & Dine

Enjoy savory dining experiences that nourish your body and your soul. Explore opportunities to grow your inner circle while satisfying your palate.

Discover Dining Experiences